Wednesday, December 7, 2011

The Life of DNA

     In his essay "DNA Testing Controversy" my colleague discusses the both the flaws and strong suits of the state of Texas's DNA testing when it comes to criminal cases where DNA evidence can become crucial to the truth being fulfilled. I completely agree with my colleague in his statements regarding this practice. i also agree that this man "Hank Skinner" has had life drawn out by this process being denied him. I am under the opinion that he committed this crime and should be convicted as such. it is also entirely possible that this man need the conformation that he truly committed these crimes. It is entirely possible that he was under the influence of alcohol during the time of the murders and has no memory of any of it. If that is the case he should be given that resounding proof that he truly did commit those crimes. On the other hand, if a man is searching that desperately for proof of his own actions it is also possible no amount of evidence will truly convince him, such is the state of a man who has lost everything. One way or another he should be given the DNA proof. If he is innocent then he should be released... if not, then he should be shown that he deserves his punishment.

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