Wednesday, September 14, 2011

A Politician's Voice

     We all know that politics takes a certain amount of pandering to public viewing. In order to make the politicians seem more appealing and therefore worthy of the everyday man's support the politicians must talk directly to the sources that will give them the most votes. Governor Perry give a prime example of this when he spoke publicly at an evangelical college. Yes it is necessary in a campaign of this magnitude to cover all bases but to change a demeanor of public speaking is an ethically questionable move.
     The article states that Perry spoke more as a preacher than as a politician. I may be wrong, but it is in my opinion that politics and religion should remain separate. Not to say that the Governor shouldn't have spoken in this particular venue, but only that Perry should have retained his political demeanor and remained on the political side of things instead of differing to his audience and speaking in a fashion that they would both sympathize with and support.
     I'm not a huge fan of politics as it is but when a politician is able to switch from speaking style to speaking style, as a snake switching from skin to skin, and not remain true to one voice this has a disturbing effect on me. Call me strange if you will.

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