Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Vietnam Memorial on Capital Grounds

      Soldiers for this country of ours are some of the greatest heroes anyone can look up to. They fight, bleed, suffer, and die for our country. Why should we not see them as heroes?
      One man by The name of Alan Erwin has started a movement to have a monument erected on Texas capital grounds. He is trying to convince those that were against that war to reconsider there views and not confuse the war with a warrior. Whether the cause of that war a number of years ago was just, the men and women who died during that war should be honored and commemorated for their service and the blood they shed for our country. He States that several state officials already give it support, including Governor Rick Perry and Lt. Governor David Dewhurst. Other supporters include state Senator Juan Hinojosa and state Representative Wayne Smith who both happen to be Vietnam war veterans. This dream of his is becoming a reality through the support of the people and the Texas Historical Commission. It is also spreading through newspapers websites and by word of mouth, because of sponsors and editorials such as this the movement for this memorial will hopefully become a reality soon. I can in no way see a single person denying that those Texans that died during the Vietnam war deserve recognition for the loss of their lives in that event in history. However we are given the right of free speech in this country and to each his own, despite moral standings that may be obvious to some.

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